How to Carry a Longboard on A Backpack

There is nothing worse than being stuck with a longboard that you can’t carry. Maybe you’re on your way to the skate park, or you’re headed out for a day of fun in the sun. Regardless of why you need to transport your longboard, it’s important to know how to do it safely and effectively. In this post, we’ll teach you how to carry a longboard on a backpack to get where you’re going with ease. Let’s get started!

There are a few reasons you might want to carry your longboard in a backpack. For one, it’s a lot easier to carry a longboard this way than by hand. Additionally, carrying your longboard on your back will keep your hands free to do other things. This is especially useful if you’re traveling or hiking with your longboard. Finally, carrying your longboard on your backpack will help keep it safe and secure.

How to Carry a Longboard on A Backpack

Methods to Follow on How to Carry a Longboard on A Backpack

Method 1: Carrying a Longboard by Hand

The first and most common way to transport your longboard is by hand, just like how you would carry any other type of board or object, grasp the tail of your longboard with one arm while holding the nose in your other arm. It would help if you grabbed both ends of the longboard with your hands. If you only grab the tail end by itself, the nose can swing around and hit someone or something, damaging your board.

For example, when carrying a longboard by hand, make sure that your pinky fingers are on the underside of the deck so they cannot get caught. If you’re not comfortable carrying your longboard by hand, there are other options to pay attention to.

Pros and Cons

There are a few pros and cons to carrying your longboard by hand. On the pro side, it’s the most common way to transport your board, and it’s easy to do. Additionally, carrying your board this way will keep it safe and secure. However, there are a few cons to consider as well. First, carrying your longboard by hand can be tiring if you have to walk a long distance.

Second, it cannot be easy to carry a longboard this way if you’re not strong or have a lot of gear. Finally, the nose of the longboard can swing around and hit someone or something if you’re not careful.

Method 2: Carrying a Longboard Using a Shoulder Strap

The second way to transport your longboard is to use a shoulder strap. This is how you would typically carry any other type of backpack, so it’s pretty straightforward. First, take the shoulder strap and loop it around the tail end of your longboard. Then, grab the shoulder strap and pull it up until it rests against your head. This method will allow you to carry your longboard with both hands-frees. This is beneficial if you’re riding or traveling on a crowded bus or subway and don’t want to worry about holding your board.


Some other pros of carrying your longboard using a shoulder strap include that it’s easy to do and will keep your longboard safe and secure. Additionally, carrying your board will help prevent the nose from swinging around and hitting someone or something.

Carry Longboard on Shoulder Strap


There are a few other cons to consider when carrying your longboard using a shoulder strap. First, it cannot be easy to carry a longboard this way if you’re not strong or have a lot of gear. Second, the nose of the longboard can swing around and hit someone or something if you’re not careful. Finally, the shoulder strap can often be uncomfortable to wear for long periods.

Method 3: Carrying a Longboard in A Shoulder Bag

The third way to transport your longboard is to put it in a shoulder bag. This is the easiest way to carry your longboard, and it’s also the most comfortable. To do this, put your longboard in the shoulder bag and zip it up. Ensure that the shoulder bag is big enough to fit your longboard comfortably.


Some of the pros of using a shoulder bag to carry your longboard include that it’s easy to do and very comfortable. Additionally, using a shoulder bag will help keep your longboard safe and secure.


There are a few cons to consider when using a shoulder bag to carry your longboard. First, the shoulder bag might not always be big enough to fit your longboard. Additionally, carrying your board this way could cause it to get caught on other items in the shoulder bag. Finally, you might not have a shoulder bag with you when you need it.

Method 4: Carrying A Longboard Using A Backpack

The fourth way to transport your longboard is to put it in a backpack. This is the most difficult way to carry your longboard, but it’s also versatile. To do this, you’ll need a big backpack to fit your longboard. First, take the backpack and put your longboard inside of it. Make sure that the backpack is big enough to fit your longboard comfortably. Next, zip up the backpack and put it on your back. Finally, tighten the straps so that the backpack is secure.


Some of the pros of using a backpack to carry your longboard include that it’s very versatile and will keep your longboard safe and secure. Additionally, a backpack will allow you to carry your longboard with both hands-frees.

Using Backpack to Carry Longboard


There are a few cons of using a backpack to carry your longboard, including the fact that it can be difficult to do, and it can get caught on other items in the backpack if it’s not zipped up. Additionally, carrying your board this way could cause it to get caught on other items in the backpack. Finally, you might not have a backpack with you when you need it.

Method 5: Carrying A Longboard Using Your Board’s Griptape

This is one of the easiest ways to carry your longboard. First, you have to place your hands near the trucks on either end of the board, then push and pull the board with your arms while walking.


Some pros of carrying a longboard this way include how easy it is and how inexpensive it can be if there’s no staff available to help with loading and unloading luggage. Additionally, how easy it is to do will help prevent injury that may come from carrying a heavy load for an extended period.


Unfortunately, there are some cons or things to consider when carrying a longboard this way – first, how unbelievably difficult some terrain could make it, and second, how inconvenient it will be if you don’t have your longboard nearby.

Method 6: Carrying Your Longboard in A Travel Bag

Carrying your longboard in a travel bag is the ultimate way to transport it with you. This method works best for those who don’t have easy access to transportation and need their boards close by. To do this, put your longboard inside of your travel bag first and zip it up securely. Next, make sure that the pack is big enough to fit your longboard comfortably. Next, put on the backpack and walk around as usual.

Carrying Longboard in Travel Bag


Some pros of carrying a longboard this way include how lightweight it will be because you’ll only be carrying one board, how safe and secure it will be because no one can touch the board when you’re wearing “it,” how practical this method can be, how easy it is to carry, how much your back will appreciate the relief this method provides, how lightweight and practical this method can be in comparison to carrying a longboard on your shoulder or back.


There are some cons of using this method to carry your board, including how sometimes you might not have access to it when you need it, how inconvenient this method can be if you don’t have your board nearby, how expensive some travel bags are, and how difficult some terrain could make carrying your longboard through airports. Additionally, how heavy the backpack might get is something to consider. Keep reading for more information about how to carry a longboard on a backpack.

Frequently Asked Question

Can You Carry a Longboard on A Backpack?

Yes, you can carry a longboard in a backpack. You can use one of several different methods to do this, including carrying it in a travel bag, using your board’s grip tape, or carrying it in a backpack. Each of these methods has its own set of pros and cons, so choose the best one for you.

Can You Bring a Longboard on American Airlines?

Yes, you can bring a longboard to American Airlines. You can use one of several different methods to do this, including carrying it in a travel bag, using your board’s grip tape, or carrying it in a backpack. Each of these methods has its own set of pros and cons, so choose the best one for you.


Carry Longboard in Skateboard Carrier

Our top tips for carrying a longboard on your backpack are to use a skateboard carrier, distribute the weight evenly, and tie it down securely. By following these simple tips, you can avoid mishaps while traveling with your longboard. Do you have any other tips or tricks for carrying a longboard on your backpack? Let us know in the comments below! Thanks for reading our post about how to carry a longboard on a backpack.

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