When it comes to skateboarding tricks, the kickflip is one of the most straightforward but impressive maneuvers. To land a kickflip, you need to use both of your feet. It may seem like a difficult trick, but you can nail it with a bit of practice. But doing a kickflip with both feet can seem daunting for beginners. In this guide, we’ll show you the basics of how to land kickflip with both feet. Then, keep reading for tips and tricks that will help you improve your skills!
What Is Kickflip?
A kickflip is a skateboarding trick performed by flipping the board in the air with your feet. It is one of the simplest tricks to learn, but it can be challenging to execute correctly. However, with a bit of practice, you can nail it!
Cant land kickflip with both feet?
If you’re having trouble landing a kickflip with both feet, try using the following tips:
- Make sure you are using your entire foot to flip the board. Don’t just use your toes or your heel.
- Keep your body upright, and don’t lean too far forward or backward.
- Use your hands to help balance yourself if necessary.
- Stay calm and focused, and don’t get frustrated if you don’t land it the first time. Practice makes perfect!
How to Land Kickflip with Both Feet in 3 Steps
Step 1: Learning to Kickflip
Kickflips are a lot easier than they look. The difficulty lies in the fact that you have to move your foot from one position to another without losing your balance or speed, which is easier said than done. The key here is to be sure-footed and confident – if you’re not, you’ll probably find yourself on your butt and wondering what went wrong.
First, you need to learn how to ollie (if you don’t know). It’s time for this cool trick after you’ve got the basics down. First, make sure your body is lined up with your board. Doing this will be different for every skater, but the idea is that your body should be facing straight ahead or slightly toward the board, not off to one side or another. Now, swing your legs up in front of you as if you are making a kickstand motion.
Step 2: Kickflip Variations
The kickflip is a pretty easy trick to learn, but there are many variations of it. The basics are the same with every variation, but the catches are different. One thing that isn’t different about all variations is that you should always do them on flat ground for the best results.
There are two very simple variations of the kickflip: the frontside and backside. The only difference between these two tricks is which way your body faces when you do it. If you want to know more about how to land kickflip with both feet, keep reading.
Frontside Kickflip
- After getting comfortable with the ollie, begin by doing a small one – this will help you get used to the motion of the kickflip.
- Once you’ve got the hang of it, move on to a larger ollie.
- 3. Instead of landing on both feet, try landing on your front foot only. This will be your takeoff foot.
- As you jump, twist your body so that your back foot (landing foot) is facing the ground.
- When you land, make sure to absorb the impact with your knees and use your back leg to help stabilize yourself.
- Practice this trick on a flat surface so you can concentrate on the motion without worrying about falling.
Backside Kickflip
- This is much like a frontside kickflip, except your body will be facing the opposite direction when you do it. It’s also performed in much the same way as a frontside kickflip.
- Remember to do a small ollie as you prepare to jump.
- When you jump, twist your body so that your front foot (landing foot) is facing the ground.
- Keep practicing those backside and frontside variations until they’re both easy for you to do consistently. Once you’ve got them down, all you need to do is mix them up!
Step 3: Preparation
Once you’ve practiced your kickflips enough to do them effortlessly, it’s time to start practicing the trick that gives this entire land kickflip with both feet guide its name.
- Start by lining up parallel with your board so that your lead foot is facing your board’s nose while you’re in an ollie stance.
- Instead of doing an ollie, push to the side with your lead foot (which should be facing the nose) and swing your back foot behind you as if you are kicking out in front of you to start a kickflip motion.
- As you jump up, bring your legs together, tucking them in front of you like a standing backside kickflip.
- During the motion of your jump, kick your lead foot underneath your body and catch your board with it (but don’t try to land on both feet – this is trickier than it sounds). Instead, drop down into an ollie stance and prepare for your board to touch down and land on the top of your lead foot.
- As you begin to come back down, focus on landing with both feet at the same time – this may take a few tries before it works out perfectly, but you should eventually notice that you’re landing as if you had done a regular frontside or backside kickflip.
- Make sure to absorb the impact with your knees and use your arms to help stabilize yourself as you come down from this trick!
Step 4: Land Kickflip with Both Feet
- To begin with, make sure you can do a kickflip and land on both feet before attempting this trick – most people learn the frontside kickflip first (which is performed by kicking your lead foot out behind you as you jump), but if it’s more comfortable for you, start with a backside kickflip instead.
- Once you feel like you’ve got the motion down, start practicing it on flat ground (if you can’t do this trick yet, grab some decks and practice until you get it right).
- As your kickflip comes around, let your lead foot swing under your body and touch down onto the top of the board instead of landing on your back foot.
- You should notice that you land with both feet at the same time when you do this correctly.
- To make sure your kickflip has gone all the way around, kick out in front again before bringing down your legs to absorb the impact with your knees.
Keep reading for more information about how to land kickflip with both feet.
Why Can’t I Land My Kickflips With Both Feet?
There are a few reasons why you may be having difficulty landing your kickflips with both feet. One reason may be that you’re not kicking out enough with your lead foot – make sure to give it a good solid kick as you jump to ensure that your board will spin all the way around.
Another reason may be that you’re not twisting your body enough in the air – make sure to twist so that your back foot (landing foot) is facing the ground as you land. Finally, focus on landing softly with both feet so that you don’t lose your balance and fall off your board. With a little bit of practice, you’ll be able to nail this trick down and land kickflips with both feet like a pro in no time!
Frequently Asked Question
How Can I Land a Kickflip With Both Feet?
There are a few things you can do to increase your chances of landing a kickflip with both feet. First, make sure that you approach the jump with enough speed. You’ll also want to make sure that you time your flip correctly and that you’re jumping from the correct spot. Finally, make sure that you use both of your feet to execute the flip.
Which Flip Trick Is Better: Frontside or Backside?
There is no simple answer to this question, as it depends on personal preference and the obstacles you’re trying to overcome. Generally speaking, frontside flips are easier than backside flips, but backside flips offer more style and challenge. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which flip trick is better for you.
What Are the Tricks to Landing a Kickflip With Both Feet?
There are a few things you can do to increase your chances of landing a kickflip with both feet. First, make sure that you approach the jump with enough speed. You’ll also want to make sure that you time your flip correctly and that you’re jumping from the correct spot. Finally, make sure that you use both of your feet to execute the flip.
Is There a Trick for Doing a Double Kickflip?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to do a double kickflip may vary depending on your personal preferences and abilities. However, some tips to help you land a double kickflip may include approaching the jump with enough speed, timing the flip correctly, and using both of your feet to execute the trick.
Can You Do an Ollie Off of Your Board on Your First Try When Learning How to Do This Trick?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to do a double kickflip may vary depending on your personal preferences and abilities. However, some tips to help you land a double kickflip may include approaching the jump with enough speed, timing the flip correctly, and using both of your feet to execute the trick.
How Long Did It Take You to Learn Kickflips?
It took me a while to learn how to do kickflips, but once I got the hang of it, it was pretty easy to land them on both feet.
The kickflip is a skateboarding trick that has been around for decades. It’s one of the most basic tricks, but it was only in recent years when people started landing them with both feet at the same time. If you’re just starting out and have never tried to land a kickflip before then, this article will provide tips on getting into position and executing a perfect two-footed jump off your board! Thanks for reading our post about how to land kickflip with both feet.
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