How to Ride a Rail on a Snowboard

Learning how to ride a rail on a snowboard can be a fun and challenging experience. However, there are a few things that you need to know to make the learning process easier and safer. This blog post will discuss some of the basics of riding rails on your snowboard. We will also offer some tips for beginners who are looking to learn this skill. So, if you are interested in learning how to ride rails like a pro, keep reading!

How to Ride a Rail on a Snowboard

What Causes a Snowboard to Stall on a Rail?

Stalling is one of the snowboarders’ most common mistakes when riding rails. This usually happens because the rider is not applying enough pressure on their board.

When you are riding on a rail, you need to apply pressure to your heels and toes so that your board stays in contact with the rail. If you do not apply enough pressure, your board will slide off the rail and stall. Another common reason why snowboarders stall on rails is that they are not riding fast enough.

It would be best to go fast enough so your board can grip the rail. If you are going too slow, your board will not have enough speed to grip the rail, and you will stall. The other common reason for stalling is that the rider is not balancing their weight correctly.

It would be best to keep your weight balanced so that your board does not slide off the rail. If you are not balanced, your board will slide off the rail, and you will stall. Lastly, some rails are just too slick, and no matter how much pressure you apply or how fast you go, your board will slide right off.

Why Do Snowboarders Ride Rails?

Riding rails is a great way to improve your snowboarding skills. It requires a lot of balance and coordination. It also requires you to think quickly and make split-second decisions. All of these skills will help you become a better snowboarder. Plus, it’s just really fun. Another great thing about riding rails is that it allows you to show off your skills. If you can ride a rail well, other people will be impressed. And, let’s be honest, who doesn’t like impressing people?

Additionally, riding rails can help you stand out from other snowboarders. If you are the only one in your group who can ride a rail, you will definitely be the center of attention. Lastly, riding rails is a great way to meet new people. When you are at the top of a rail, you will meet other people who are also trying to ride it. You can chat with them, exchange tips, and make new friends.

Stalling is One of the  Snowboard

A Complete Guide on How to Ride a Rail on a Snowboard

1. Get the Proper Equipment

The first step to riding a rail on a snowboard is ensuring you have the proper equipment. You will need a snowboard, bindings, boots, and gloves. You will also need a helmet to protect your head. It is also a good idea to wear knee pads and elbow pads to protect your joints. If you do not have the proper equipment, you will not be able to ride a rail safely.

2. Choose the Right Rail

The next step is to choose the right rail. You will want to find a rail that is not too high off the ground. You also want to find a rail that is not too slick. If you choose a rail that is too high or too slick, you will have a difficult time riding it. Avoid rails that are made of metal or plastic. These types of rails are very slippery and can be dangerous.

3. Warm Up Your Muscles

Before you start riding rails, you will want to warm up your muscles. This will help prevent injuries. You can do some basic stretches or go for a short walk. You will also want to practice riding your snowboard on flat ground. This will help you get a feel for the board and build up your confidence. To warm up your muscles, first, do some basic stretches. Next, ride your snowboard on flat ground for a few minutes. Lastly, do some more stretches.

4. Approach the Rail

It would help if you approached it slowly when ready to ride the rail. You do not want to go too fast, or you will fall. You also do not want to go too slow, or you will stall. The best way to approach a rail is to start from the side. Then, slowly ride your snowboard up to the rail.

When you are close to the rail, put your front foot on the rail and your back foot on the snow. If you are using a regular snowboard, your front foot should be on the left side of the rail, and your back foot should be on the right side of the rail. If you are using a reverse camber snowboard, your front foot should be on the right side of the rail, and your back foot should be on the left side of the rail.

Warm Up Your  Muscles

5. Ollie Onto the Rail

The next step is to ollie onto the rail. This is because an ollie is a move that will help you get onto the rail. First, ride your snowboard up to the rail to do an ollie. Then, place your back foot on the tail of the snowboard and your front foot near the front binding. In this position, bend your knees and jump into the air.

As you jump, use your back foot to push the tail of the snowboard down onto the rail. When the tail of the snowboard hits the rail, you will slide onto the rail. If you want to slide down the rail, you can do so by gently leaning your body weight onto your front foot.

6. Pressure the Toes and Heels

You will want to pressure your toes and heels when you are on the rail. This will help you stay balanced on the rail. First, try pressing your toes down. If you find that you are losing balance, then try pressing your heels down. You may also want to shift your weight from your toes to your heels to find the best balance point.

7. Keep Your Weight Forward

You will want to keep your weight forward while on the rail. This will help you keep your balance and also help you control your speed. If you find that you are losing balance, you can try leaning your body weight onto your front foot. If you lean too far forward, you will fall off the rail.

8. Practice

The best way to learn how to ride a rail is to practice. If you can, find a safe place to practice. You can find rails at most ski resorts. You can also find rails at some skate parks. Practice riding rails in both places. Start with small rails and work your way up to larger rails. Practice riding rails as often as you can. The more you practice, the better you will become at riding rails.

Pressure the Toes  And Heels

9. Ride With Confidence

When you are ready to ride a rail in a competition, you will want to ride confidently. This means that you should not be afraid of the rail. It would be best if you also had a plan for how you are going to ride the rail. When you are confident, you can ride the rail better.

10. Have Fun!

Riding rails can be a lot of fun. Make sure to enjoy yourself. Do not get too caught up in trying to win. Instead, focus on having fun and riding the best that you can. If you ride with confidence and have fun, you will be sure to impress the judges.

Tips and Warnings on How to Ride a Rail on a Snowboard


  1. Be sure to inspect the rail before riding it on a snowboard, and do not ride if the rail is damaged in any way.
  2. Try to find a rail that is the appropriate size and shape for your ability level. Beginner riders should look for smaller, lower rails.
  3. Practice running up to the rail and sliding down it on your snowboard before attempting any tricks.
  4. Start slowly and build up your speed as you become more comfortable riding the rail.


  1. Do not attempt to ride a rail on a snowboard if you are not properly trained and experienced.
  2. Always be aware of your surroundings and other riders when riding a rail on a snowboard.
  3. Never ride a rail on a snowboard without proper safety gear.
  4. Do not attempt any tricks on a rail that you are not comfortable with or properly trained to perform.
Ride a Rail on a  Snowboard


So there you have it! These are the tips you need to know on how to ride a rail on a snowboard. Follow these tips, and you’ll be sliding those rails like a pro in no time. We hope you have fun and stay safe out there. Thanks for reading!