How to Skate Pools

There’s something about skating pools that feels right. Maybe it’s the challenge of trying to maintain your speed while cruising around the curves or the satisfaction of nailing a complicated flip trick in a shallow well. Whatever it is, one thing is for sure: skating pools is a blast! In this article, we’ll teach you how to skate pools, from finding an excellent spot to practicing your tricks. So strap on your pads and get ready for some fun!

Many people start skating with a traditional skateboard, but of course, some start on a longboard. A pool is one of the most challenging places to learn how to skateboard on a longboard, so if you’re new to both types of boards, we recommend starting on a standard skateboard first.

How to Skate Pools

A Detailed Guide on How to Skate Pools

Step 1: Get into the Pool

There are several ways to get into the pool, depending on the shape of the pool. Here is a diagram showing how to enter most pools:

However, if you do not know your way around a skateboard, I would recommend waiting until you can slam-dance to gain enough momentum for this turn. You should also ensure you’ve got some speed before getting into any pool because it will slow you down significantly if you don’t have enough speed. If your board hits the coping while turning at high speeds, it’s possible that your board could shoot out from underneath you and send you tumbling through social media–don’t say I didn’t warn you!

Step 2: Approach the Pool

If you’re trying to get into the pool, it’s best that you approach at a slight angle instead of straight on. This way, it is easier for you to keep your speed and control throughout the turn and allow yourself enough room before actually dropping in so you can find your footing. Of course, speed depends on the shape of the pool and how well you know your board.

If this is your first time heading towards a skateboard pool, or if it’s a particularly rough transition, I would suggest going as slow as possible until you start dropping into the pool. What I mean by “dropping” is that you’ll be able to see all four wheels touch down onto whatever surface the coping sits on.

Step 3: Kick Turn on Flat Land

Kick turn is pretty much the most basic of all tricks you can do on your skateboard. First, place both your feet in front of you with one on either side of your board. Next, push down on the tail using all of your weight and give yourself enough speed to get up onto the nose by jumping off the ground. Once you’re moving, jump up into the air and land back on both wheels simultaneously while pushing down with even more force than before. Practice until it becomes natural to you (even if that means practicing for hours on end).

Step 4: Turn on Quarter Pipes

After doing a kick turn on flat ground, you should start practicing on a quarter pipe. Speed depends on how steep the walls of your quarter pipe are and if there is another quarter pipe against it to add some more height. Try standing at the bottom of your quarter pipe with one foot in front of you and push up on the side that has no other quarter pipe directly adjacent to it.

Practice on a Quarter Pipe

Push hard enough so that your board flips over, so it’s facing away from you while also adding some more pop off of the back or front wheels (depending on where they’re positioned). Once all four wheels face away from you, jump into the air while bringing your body closer to your board and land back on your wheels. The higher the quarter pipe is, the less speed you’ll need to make it work.

Step 5: Pump Back and Forth on Mini Ramps

There are a lot of ways you can practice how to pump. One of the most effective is using a mini ramp setup. First, place your board flat on the ground and roll it towards the first hump at the very bottom of the ramp as fast as you can. You should feel an instant speed from the downhill slope so try keeping both feet on your board as you push forward with all your might.

Next, jump off of one foot while pushing down on your tail and use that same foot for popping yourself over to the other side while also trying to bring your back wheels into contact with that same quarter pipe wall. How much speed you need depends on how steep the mini ramp is. If this is your first time attempting it, I would recommend starting at no higher than 11/12 o’clock and slowly getting lower as you progress through your practice sesh. If you’re feeling particularly confident, try doing it with both feet off the board. This is ac crucial step in how to skate pools.

Step 6: Grind Rails

Grinding is one of those tricks that’s easier said than done. If you want any chance at pulling this move off consistently (and without injuring yourself), then I would recommend starting on a shallow rail–something barely over an inch tall. Then, while holding your board, jump onto the lip of your chosen railing and use enough speed to get up onto the top section. How much speed depends again on how steep the frontside or backside (depending on what type of grind it is) wall is and how tall your chosen railing is.

Grinding tricks

Once you’re sitting atop your tiny rail, try using either foot as leverage against the wall to pull yourself onto the flat surface. How much speed you need once your board is hanging off of the lip depends on how steep your chosen railing and wall orientation is and whether or not it’s a front side (front wheels first) or backside (back wheels first) grind.

Step 7: Banks First to Get Comfortable With Transitions

Once you feel confident with all of the above tricks, it’s time to start learning transfers. You can go about this many ways, but I like jumping on a bank and trying to transfer over to another quarter pipe or set of stairs (or whatever else you might want to try). How much speed you need depends on which transition you’re trying for and how steep both ramps are. For best results, I’d recommend using more minor transitions at first that lead into bigger ones once your skillset improves.

You Can Check It Out to Ship a Skateboard

Step 8: Practice Ollie

Ollie is a must-know trick before you can start exploring the world of skateboarding. How much speed you need depends on how high your ollies will be–the higher they are, the more speed is required. If this is your first time trying it, I would highly recommend starting at a flat spot and getting more comfortable with just jumping up and down without any extra momentum behind it.

Once you feel relatively comfortable doing so, try adding some forward or backward motion while jumping off of either foot (or both) to get yourself moving in that direction. How much speed you will need for each variation depends on how steep the incline is and which way you’re trying to go (forward or backward). If you feel like the ground is starting to get pretty steep, I recommend moving back towards a flatter spot until more of your confidence returns. These steps will help in how to skate pools.

You Can Check It Out to Frontside Flip

Additional Tips

  1. It’s essential to make sure you have a good grip on the board and have a good foot plant.
  2. Some pools have a lot of gradients in them or weird slopes, so pay attention to how you turn and don’t put your board into a position where it can slip out from under you.
  3. Make sure you know what handbrake trick(s) will work best for the pool you’re skating, as well as being aware of what could go wrong if one doesn’t pan out the way you expect it to be.
  4. You can always ask the pool owners before skating it. Even if they say no, I don’t think they’ll mind that much. Just be respectful, and you should be fine!
  5. ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET!!! It’s essential to protect yourself even if you’re learning to skate a pool.
  6. You probably shouldn’t be too cocky or show-offish when you’re just starting, as it’s good to present yourself as responsible and mature if you want to be taken seriously.
  7. Some pools are safer than others, so consider that before skating any pool you come across!
Always Wear Helmet


Skate pools are a lot of fun! Everyone should try it. To get started with this article on how to skate pools, you will need some time and space in which to practice your skateboarding skills (a large empty parking lot or backyard), water (to fill up the pool), and friends who can help you out if things go wrong. Also, make sure you have a helmet and pads to avoid getting hurt. Skate pools are a lot of fun! Everyone should try it.

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