How to Teach a Kid to Skateboard

Do you have a kid who wants to learn how to skateboard? If so, then you’re in the right place! Teaching children the basics of skateboarding can seem like quite a daunting task. However, by following this comprehensive guide on how to teach a kid to skateboard, you’ll be able to bring your child closer to becoming an expert skater in no time.

Skateboarding is a great way to help kids get active, have fun, and develop motor skills. Teaching children how to skateboard can be rewarding and challenging, but with the right guidance, it can also be an amazing experience for everyone involved! Here, We’ll cover everything from finding and buying the right skateboard and safety gear, learning new tricks through practice drills, and addressing common mistakes along the way. So if your goal is for your little one to become a confident skater with good technique then keep reading – because we’ve got all the tips and tricks that will help make it happen!

Why May You Want to Teach a Kid to Skateboard?

1. To Teach a New Skill

Skateboarding is an incredibly fun and challenging activity that can teach kids many new skills. Through skateboarding, children can develop balance, coordination, physical fitness, problem solving, confidence, and overall strength.

2. To Strengthen the Bond Between You and Your Child

Teaching your child to skateboard can help strengthen the bond between you and your child. Not only will it give you more quality time together, but it can also create a unique opportunity for you to teach your child a new skill that they may not otherwise have access to.

3. To Connect with Other Skateboarders

Skateboarding is an activity that has a strong community of dedicated skateboarders. Teaching your child to skateboard can open up opportunities for you and your child to join in on the fun and connect with other skateboarders in your area.

Teaching Your Child to Skateboard

4. To Have Fun!

Above all else, teaching a kid to skateboard is just a ton of fun! It’s an activity that requires patience and practice, but that can be incredibly rewarding when your child starts to get the hang of it. Watch their confidence grow as they try new tricks and explore the world of skateboarding!

These are just a few reasons why you may want to teach a kid to skateboard. Whatever your reason is, teaching them how to do it safely and properly is essential to ensure that they can enjoy the activity safely and responsibly.

11 Tips On How to Teach a Kid to Skateboard

1. Start by Teaching Them How to Stand on Their Board

The very first thing to teach your kid is how to stand on their board. Have them stand with their feet shoulder-width apart, leaning slightly forward and keeping their arms extended. So make sure you are teaching that with proper care.

2. Teach Them How to Push Along the Ground

Once they’ve mastered standing on the board, it’s time to teach them how to push along the ground. Show them how to use their back foot to push off the ground and move forward. It’s important that they keep their balance as they do this, so practice is essential.

3. Teach Them How to Balance on Their Board

This can be a tricky skill for kids to learn, but with practice, it will become easier for them. Start by having them practice keeping their balance on the board while standing still. Then, move on moving their feet around to keep their balance as they move forward.

Practice Keeping Their Balance on the Board

4. Teach Them How to Turn

Once your kid has mastered pushing and balancing on the board, it’s time to teach them how to turn. Starting off with small turns at low speeds is a great way to begin. Show them how to use their back foot to help make the turn, and be sure to stress safety whenever turning on the board.

5. Teach Them How to Stop

Stopping properly is an essential skill for skateboarders of any age. Have your kid practice stopping in a safe area where there isn’t much traffic. Show them the different ways to stop and make sure they practice it until they can do it confidently.

6. Teach Them How to Do Basic Tricks

Once your kid has mastered the basics of skateboarding, you can start teaching them some basic tricks. Start with simple things like how to ollie, or how to do a 180 spin. As they become more comfortable with the tricks, you can move on to more advanced ones.

7. Teach Them How to Drive and Maneuver Around Obstacles

Once your kid has mastered the basic skills of skateboarding, it’s time to teach them how to drive and maneuver around obstacles. Show them how to build up speed when they need to and how to dodge or jump over obstacles.

8. Teach Them How to Fall Safely

Falling is an inevitable part of skateboarding, so it’s important that your kid knows how to fall safely. Teach them how to keep their arms close and bent in order to protect their head and face. Also, be careful while teaching them.

9. Teach Them How to Respect Skateboarding Rules

Skateboarding is a fun activity, but it’s important that your kid respects the rules of skateboarding. Make sure they understand things like why it’s important to wear protective gear and why they should always be courteous to other skateboarders.

Skateboarding is a Fun Activity

10. Teach Them How to Take Care of Their Skateboard

Teaching your kid how to take care of their skateboard is essential for keeping it in good condition. Show them how to clean the board regularly and make sure they understand why proper maintenance is important, such as tightening the screws when necessary.

11. Stay Positive

It can be difficult for kids to learn a new skill, so it’s important that you stay positive and encouraging during the learning process. Celebrate their successes, no matter how small they may seem, and make sure they know that mistakes are part of the learning process.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Precautions Should I Take Before Teaching A Kid to Skateboard?

Before beginning any skateboarding lesson, it is important to make sure that your student is wearing the necessary safety gear. Protective knee and elbow pads, a helmet, and wrist guards should all be worn while learning to skateboard. It is also important to make sure that your student understands the importance of following safety guidelines.

What Environment Is Best for Teaching A Kid to Skateboard?

The best environment for teaching a kid to skateboard would be an open, flat surface with no obstacles or uneven terrain. Beginner skateboarders should start on smooth asphalt or concrete to avoid any additional risk of injury from rough surfaces. It is also important to teach your student in a well-lit area, as skateboarding can be dangerous in the dark.

What Skills Are Necessary Before Teaching A Kid to Skateboard?

Before teaching a kid to skateboard, it is important that they have basic balancing and coordination skills already developed. This will help them when they start learning how to move and control the skateboard. It is also a good idea for them to know their left from right and be able to recognize simple commands such as “stop” or “go.”

What Are Some Tips for Teaching A Kid to Skateboard?

When teaching a kid to skateboard, it is important to start off slow and gradually progress. Start by teaching them the basics, such as how to properly stand on the board, move it forward and backward, and turn left and right. Once they become comfortable with those skills, you can introduce more complicated maneuvers such as tricks or skate parks.

Start by Teaching Them the Basics

It is also important to be patient and supportive throughout the learning process. Praise your student for their accomplishments, and encourage them to keep trying even when they make mistakes. Finally, make sure to always be by their side while they are learning in case of any potential falls or accidents.

Should I Buy A Skateboard for My Student?

It is recommended that you buy a skateboard for your student if they are serious about learning the sport. When choosing a skateboard, be sure to pick one that is suitable for your size, skill level, and style of riding. You can also have them custom-make their own board with the help of a skate shop if they want to get creative.


Now you know the basic of how to teach a kid to skateboard. Through skateboarding, kids can have fun while gaining confidence and learning valuable skills. As adults, we must remain supportive while also emphasizing safety precautions during practice. While a fall may be discouraging and somewhat painful at first, teaching a kid to persevere and work through the challenges of skateboarding is an incredibly rewarding experience for both parent and child.

Doing so opens their minds to new possibilities; realistically speaking, teaching our children how to ride a skateboard could one day make them the next Tony Hawk! And when that day comes, remember that even the biggest skateboarders started somewhere – sometimes it’s simply in the driveway or park on a summer’s day with Mom or Dad teaching them how to enjoy the ride!