If you’re new to roller skating or just looking for a way to make your experience a little more comfortable, widening your skates may be the answer. This simple adjustment can give you some extra space to move around and help keep you stable on your skates. In this blog post, we will teach you how to widen roller skates. This is a great modification for those with wider feet or who want more wiggle room while skating. So please keep reading for our simple tutorial!
There are a few reasons why it’s important to widen roller skates. For one, it can make skating more comfortable and fun. If you have wider feet or want more space to move around, widening your skates is the perfect solution. Additionally, widening your skates can help keep you stable on your feet while skating. This is a key factor in staying safe while roller skating. So if you’re looking for a way to make your skating experience better, widening roller skates is the answer!
Required Materials
- Roller skates
- Measuring tape
- Scissors
- Ruler or a straight edge
- Marker
- File or sandpaper
How to Widen Roller Skates Step by Step Guide
Step 1: Stuffing
One of the best ways how to widen roller skates at home is through the stuffing. Stuff the area between the boot and the skate with newspaper or other stuffing. This will help create a wider space for the skate to fit into. This process consists of using materials that will increase the area where your foot will be pressed at. As simple as that!
Step 2: Use Ice Cubes
Yes! Ice cubes. Put some ice cubes below your blade while you are skating on it. This will create more friction between the blades and the surface, so after some time, when it melts, there is a higher chance that your blades will be widened. Be careful not to fall while using this method since it is dangerous and the blades may get heated.
Step 3: Insert Skate Blade Into the Widened Space
Insert the skate blade on the bottom of the boot into the widened space on top of your foot. Make sure that you put in the right leg before doing this since it will be tough to switch them around after they have been altered. Or else, you might buy a new pair of skates after this!
Step 4: Get Your Skates to Heat Molded at Home or Professionally
Roller skate boots are made in different widths to accommodate the unique shape of each skater’s foot. The best way to make sure you have the best fit possible is to visit your local pro-shop or roller rink skating rink, where they can use a heat molding machine to make your boot the appropriate size for the most comfort.
Roller skate boots are made in different widths to accommodate the unique shape of each skater’s foot. The best way to make sure you have the best fit possible is to visit your local pro-shop or roller rink skating rink, where they can use a heat molding machine to make your boot the appropriate size for the most comfort.
Step 5: DIY Shoe Molding
If you can’t visit a pro-shop or roller rink, don’t worry! You can still have the best fit possible by purchasing an oven gel pad product. These pads are fake tongues that take up space in your boot to accommodate your widened feet.
- Place each oven gel tonguing on either side of your foot.
- Place each tonguing one inch from either end of your shoe. Make sure the pad takes up the entire width of the boot. If you want a wider skate, purchase another oven gel tongue and place them next.
- Now lace up, as usual, pushing the tongues as far down toward your toes.
- Fasten the skate tight for 30 to 60 minutes until your boot is completely dry. You can use a hairdryer on low heat to speed up the process, but only on low heat! Oven gel tongues are meant to be worn flat against your foot and not crumpled into a ball of hot plastic.
Step 6: According to Science, Applying the Freezing Water in A Ziploc Bag Method
There is also a scientific way to widen roller derby skates. Fill up a Ziploc bag with water and seal it shut before putting on your skate. Now slide the bag up toward the toe while you push down on the tongue of your boot. Continue doing this while standing in one place for roughly two minutes. The science behind this method is that the ice inside the bag will expand and cause your skates to widen.
Step 7: Use Steam
You can also use a steam iron to widen skates. Place the boots on the ironing board and cover with paper towels. Turn your steam setting on high, but be careful not to burn yourself or melt your boot! Once you have enough steam built up inside the boot, begin pressing down on it with an iron. You can use a regular cylindrical iron or a flat iron. You will feel the boot begin to widen within two minutes of applying the steam.
Step 8: Learn New Lacing Techniques
Try some lacing techniques instead if you want a wider roller skate but don’t want to spend the money on new skates or oven gel tongues. The traditional crisscross lacing is a good example of how to widen roller derby skates.
To create this type of lacing pattern:
- Begin by crisscrossing the laces from the outside of your foot to the inside.
- Once you’ve made a crisscross, tie a tight knot as usual.
- Continue this pattern around your entire boot until it feels secure and snug. You should notice how much wider your skate feels after doing this!
- If the lacing method isn’t enough to open up your boot, try loosening the top buckle. This is also how you tighten roller skates, so it’s only something temporary until you can get to your next game or practice session.
- Since many women usually have problems with skates that are too narrow in the toes, this might be the best way to widen roller skates if you have a small or narrow foot.
- Loosen the buckle and lace up your boot how you normally would until it feels secure around your toes. Then, try to tighten the laces where you loosened them at the top buckle to snug but not too tight. This should give you the perfect fit!
You Can Check It Out to Store Roller Skates
Can You Widen Your New Roller Skates?
Yes, you can widen your new roller skates. You can use one or more of the methods described above, such as oven gel tongues, steam, lacing techniques, and the Ziploc bag method. Whichever method you use, your foot should be widened within two minutes.
Know that this technique is only temporary, and getting a wider boot will be necessary for a more comfortable fit. Using any of the methods above should allow you to widen roller skates enough to accommodate larger feet while playing roller derby or skating around with friends. Good luck!
Frequently Asked Question
Is There Anything Else that Might Help Me with Widening My Roller Skates?
Aside from widening your roller skates, you might also try using risers. Risers are small, plastic, or metal discs that can be placed between the skate and the boot to give you a little more height and space. This can help create a bit more room in the skate and make it more comfortable to wear. You can buy risers at most sporting goods stores or online.
Is It Possible to Use a Belt Sander to Widen Roller Skates?
Although it is possible to use a belt sander to widen roller skates, it’s important to be careful when doing so. The last thing you want to do is damage your skates or boots. If you’re not comfortable using a belt sander, you can always take your skates to a professional skate shop and have them widened for you.
What Is the Best Way to Widen Roller Skates?
The best way to widen roller skates is to use a belt sander. However, if you’re not comfortable using a belt sander, you can always take your skates to a professional skate shop and have them widened for you.
Where Can I Buy Wide Roller Skates and What Is the Cost of Them?
Wide roller skates can be found at most sporting goods stores or online. They typically cost between $30 and $50.
Can You Stretch Roller Skates?
Yes, you can stretch roller skates by using one or more of the methods described above, such as oven gel tongues, steam, lacing techniques, and the Ziploc bag method. Whichever method you use, your foot should be stretched within two minutes.
Roller skating is a great way to get some exercise and have fun. If you want to widen your roller skates, you can do a few things. You can purchase wider wheels or spacers, or you can adjust the trucks on your skates. We hope these tips help you enjoy roller skating even more! Thanks for reading our post about how to widen roller skates.
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