How to Loosen Roller Skate Wheels Without Tool

If you’re like me, you don’t always carry a tool around with you just in case something goes wrong. So here’s a quick guide on how to loosen roller skate wheels without tool! Of course, it would help if you had some muscle and maybe an old credit card or something similar. Let’s get started!

One reason it’s important to loosen roller skate wheels without tools is because if the wheel becomes too tight, it can make it difficult to skate. This is especially true if you’re on a long trip and start to feel a bit of pain in your feet and ankles. Another reason is that tight wheels can cause the bearings to overheat, leading to damage and, ultimately, a shorter lifespan for your skates. So make sure to loosen them up every once to keep them running smoothly!

How to Loosen Roller Skate Wheels Without Tool

Required Materials

  • An old credit card or something similar
  • A little bit of muscle

5 Methods to Follow on How to Loosen Roller Skate Wheels Without Tool

Method 1: Use a Credit Card

The first method is to use a credit card or similar item. This works best if the wheel is still in good shape and isn’t too worn down yet. Next, insert your tool between the wheel and the axle on one of the inside tire rims. Press down lightly for a few seconds, then slowly lift it until you feel some give. Keep repeating this process until you feel the wheel loosen up some more.

Use a Credit Card to Loosen Roller Skate Wheels Step by Step:

Step 1

Insert your tool between the wheel and the axle on one of the inside tire rims.

Step 2

Press down lightly for a few seconds, then slowly lift it until you feel some give.

Step 3

Keep repeating this process until you feel the wheel loosen up some more.

Quick Tips

  • Get a good pair of skates!
  • Check how tight your boots and laces are before you skate.
  • Make sure your skating surface is flat, smooth, and soft.
  • Stretch out beforehand to loosen up the muscles in your legs, or feel free to walk around for five minutes to loosen up after a while.
Check How Tight Boots and Laces

Method 2: Using Your Strength

The second method is a very simple one that requires just your strength. This will work well enough if you have tight wheels and want to loosen them up in a hurry. First, pull the roller skate off your foot, then place it on a flat surface such as a sidewalk or driveway with all four wheels touching the concrete. Next, grab each wheel and push it away from the roller skate towards the sidewalk. Do this until you feel them loosen up a bit, then put your roller skates back on and keep pushing away with your hands until they become too loose to tighten again.

Using Your Strength to Loosen Roller Skate Wheels Step by Step:

Step 1

Place your roller skates on a flat surface such as a sidewalk or driveway with all four wheels touching the concrete.

Step 2

Grab each wheel and push it away from the roller skate towards the sidewalk. Do this until you feel them loosen up.

Step 3

Put your roller skates back on and keep pushing away with your hands until they become too loose to tighten easily again.

Tips to Remember

  • If one of the wheels is much looser than the others, tighten up that one first, then do the other three.
  • If only one wheel feels tight, loosen it up a bit before moving on to another wheel if you feel like it. Just loosen it up enough to not feel any resistance when trying to skate, but not enough that it makes your skates lose or unstable.
  • Make sure that you stretch out beforehand and after skating for a while. Stretching helps prevent tight muscles, which can lead to injury.
  • Taking care of your roller skates (turning them over regularly, getting the wheels replaced if they’re worn down) will let you enjoy your skates for a long time.
  • The above information is how to loosen roller skate wheels without tool.
Take Care of Roller Skates

Method 3: Using a Bolt/Bolt Cutter

The third method is how to loosen roller skate wheels by using a bolt or a bolt cutter. This will work well if the wheel is in bad shape and is already worn down a lot. However, be careful when attempting this method, as it is very easy to damage your wheel with one of these tools, leading to a very dangerous situation.

Before attempting this process, wear protective gear, including gloves and safety glasses. Also, if you’re not wearing a sturdy pair of skates yet, it’s good to do so before trying this method out in case your footwear gets caught in the wheel. This will ensure that the skate itself isn’t damaged or you are not injured.

Using a Bolt or Bolt Cutter to Loosen Roller Skate Wheels Step by Step:

Step 1

If the wheel has a metal core, slowly turn it until you see where the outer rubber meets the metal. This will be how you know how far into the wheel to insert your bolt/bolt cutter.

Step 2

Insert the bolt/bolt cutter into this area and slowly push it through. Squeeze the handles together using a bolt cutter until you feel the wheel cut through. When using a bolt, use pliers if needed to turn it further into the wheel. You can also try punching your roller skate with your first to see how far you should push.

Step 3

Repeat this process until the wheel has been successfully loosened.

Tips to Remember

  • Proceed with caution, as it is easy for these tools to damage your wheels if you’re not careful!
  • Be sure to wear protective gear before beginning this process. Gloves and safety glasses are a must!
  • Loosen one wheel at a time for best results.

Method 4: Using an Electric Drill

The fourth method is how to loosen roller skate wheels by using an electric drill. This works well if your skates are in good condition, as it will only tighten them more quickly instead of loosening the wheel. However, if you have a worn-down wheel, it is recommended that you try the bolt/bolt cutter method first.

Loosen Roller Skate Wheels

Using an Electric Drill to Loosen Roller Skate Wheels Step by Step:

Step 1

Place your roller skates on a flat surface such as a sidewalk or driveway with all four wheels touching the concrete.

Step 2

Turn on your electric drill and slowly move it towards one of the wheels.

Step 3

Drill into one wheel at a time, moving in an up-and-down motion with the drill to create a dent/divot in the rubber part of the wheel. If you’re having trouble doing this, start by drilling vertically (up-and-down) before moving on to horizontal movement (left-to-right).

Step 4

Repeat this process until all four wheels have been loosened up.

Tips to Remember

  • Only tighten the wheels if you are using new/good roller skates!

Method 5: Using Sand Paper or a File

The fifth and final method is how to loosen roller skate wheels with sandpaper or a file. This works well if you have a worn-down wheel and need more than just bumping up the size. Be careful when using this method, as you can damage your wheels if they’re not in good condition already. Using metal files may also cause damage to your roller skates.

Using Sandpaper or a File to Loosen Roller Skate Wheels Step by Step:

Step 1

Place your roller skate on a flat surface with all four wheels touching the concrete at once. Then, please take one of your sandpaper/file tools and run it across each wheel’s surface.

Step 2

Repeat this process until each wheel is smooth, using an up-and-down motion with the file/sandpaper to create a flat surface. Alternatively, you can also use a grinding stone if you have one available instead of or in addition to sandpaper or a file.

Step 3

If needed, apply more material to the wheel until completely smooth.

Tips to Remember

  • Be careful when doing this method! It’s easy to damage your wheels if they’re not in good condition already. Metal files can also cause damage if used incorrectly.
  • Proceed with caution and wear protective gear before beginning!
 Loosen Roller Skate Wheels Without Tool

Keep reading for more information about how to loosen roller skate wheels without tool.

Frequently Asked Question

Do You Need a Bearing Tool?

You do not need a bearing tool to loosen roller skate wheels. However, there are a few ways to do this without any special tools.

Should You Loosen Your Roller Skate Wheels?

There is no definitive answer to this question. Depending on how often you skate, how tightly the wheels are tightened, and how much wear and tear they have seen, you may or may not need to loosen your roller skate wheels. However, if they seem to be causing you pain or discomfort when skating, it is good to loosen them slightly.

Are Roller Skates Supposed to Be Tight?

There is no definitive answer to this question. Depending on how often you skate, how tightly the wheels are tightened, and how much wear and tear they have seen, you may or may not need to loosen your roller skate wheels. However, if they seem to be causing you pain or discomfort when skating, it is good to loosen them slightly.


Roller skating is a great way to have fun and exercise, but it can be frustrating when your wheels won’t loosen. With this simple trick, you can get your wheels loose in no time and be roller-skating around town in no time! Thanks for reading our post about how to loosen roller skate wheels without tool.